Friday, 19 October 2012




Fringe is an American science fiction television series created by J. J. AbramsAlex Kurtzman, and Roberto Orci.It premiered on the Fox Broadcasting network on September 9, 2008. The series follows Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv), Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson), and Walter Bishop (John Noble), members of a Federal Bureau of Investigation "Fringe Division" team based in Boston,Massachusetts under the supervision of Homeland Security. The team uses "fringe" science and FBI investigative techniques to investigate a series of unexplained, often ghastly occurrences, which are related to mysteries surrounding a parallel universe


the series has been described as a hybrid of The X-FilesAltered States, and The Twilight Zone.he series format combines elements from procedural dramas as well as those found in serials. The series began as a more traditional "mystery of the week" series, and became more serialized in later seasons. A majority of episodes contain a standalone plot, with several episodes also exploring the series' overarching mythology.

Early critical reception of the first season was lukewarm, but became more of a critic favorite in subsequent seasons when the series began to explore its mythology, including parallel universes andalternate timelines. The show, as well as the cast and crew, has been nominated for many major awards. Despite its move to the "Friday night death slot" and low ratings, the series has received a cult following. The series has been renewed for a fifth and final season consisting of 13 episodes, which premiered on September 28, 2012. The series has also spawned two six-part comic book series and an alternate reality game.




Anna TorvAnna Torv                                       ...
                   Olivia Dunham 
Joshua JacksonJoshua Jackson ...
                    Peter Bishop 
Jasika NicoleJasika Nicole ...
                     Astrid Farnsworth 
John NobleJohn Noble  ...
                     Dr. Walter Bishop 
Lance ReddickLance Reddick   ...
                      Phillip Broyles 
Blair BrownBlair Brown    ...
                       Nina Sharp 

Recurring characters

  • Michael Cerveris as September/The Observer (season 1–present), one of several "Observers", a traveling chronicler and enforcer of extraordinary events. An Observer appears in one form or another, usually in an Alfred Hitchcock-like cameo, in each episode.
  • Ari Graynor as Rachel Dunham (season 1–2), Olivia's sister.
  • Lily Pilblad as Ella Blake (season 1–3), Olivia's niece, the daughter of Rachel. Emily Meade portrays the future Ella.
  • Leonard Nimoy as William Bell (season 1–present), Walter's former lab partner, the founder of Massive Dynamic, apparently killed in the season 2 finale. Nimoy, who had retired from acting after season 2, agreed to provide the voice of Bell, allowing for the character's reappearance via way of an animated character in season 3. Reappears in season 4 after timeline is altered.
  • Michael Gaston as Sanford Harris (season 1), an old nemesis of Olivia's assigned to assess Fringe Division.
  • Jared Harris as David Robert Jones (season 1, 4), leader of the ZFT cult, and killed in the season 1 finale. In the alternate timeline Peter is projected into, it appears he is alive, and that the shapeshifters have been working for him.
  • Chance Kelly as Mitchell Loeb (season 1), an FBI agent and mole working for ZFT.
  • Ryan McDonald as Brandon Fayette (season 2–present), a scientist at Massive Dynamic. In the parallel universe, Brandon works directly for Secretary of Defense Bishop, overseeing many of his less ethical projects.
  • Kevin Corrigan as Sam Weiss (season 2–3), Olivia's Yoda-like amateur psychologist and manager of a Boston-area bowling alley; his family line maintains knowledge of the "First People", a race of intelligent beings believed to have created the doomsday device.
  • Sebastian Roché as Thomas Jerome Newton (season 2–3), the leader of the shapeshifters, human/machine hybrids and undercover agents from the parallel universe. The character commits suicide during season 3.
  • Orla Brady as Elizabeth Bishop (season 2–present), Walter's wife and Peter's mother. Brady portrays both the prime and alternate versions.
  • Philip Winchester as Frank Stanton (season 2–3), a virologist for the CDC and introduced as Fauxlivia's romantic interest in season 2. Their relationship ended off-screen in season 4.
  • Michelle Krusiec as Nadine Park (season 4), a shape-shifting soldier from the alternate timeline, with different features from shape-shifters seen in the normal timeline.
  • Georgina Haig as Henrietta (Etta) Bishop (season 4–5), Peter and Olivia's adult daughter in 2036. Though she is part of the Fringe team, loyal to the Observers, she secretly works with the human resistance to try to reclaim the Earth for humans


Fringe takes subjects that have always been present among us: conspiracy theories, weird scientific experiments, parallel universes; and takes us on a walk in surprising situations. Fringe discovered something? No. We can find in the show, elements of many other new and old series, but is that because there is almost nothing to invent, then the important thing is how to combine those things, how to give new twists and new viewpoints. Fringe does so with good pace and interesting characters. Dr. Bishop, brilliantly played by John Noble, who gives the show the mystery, wisdom and a touch of humor fabulous.I'd recommend you to TOTALLY GO FOR IT! :D

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